At Hope, we can break the isolation and bring the healing power of Jesus into your life.
We do this through Support groups, Prayer, Visitation Ministry, Stephen Ministry.

Pajama Drive
January 26-February 16
We are collecting pajamas of all sizes for FM area organizations who help children and adults in crisis. Leave your donations in the Pack & Plays located in the hallways at all campuses.
Visitation Ministry

Hope Visitation Ministry
The book of Acts tells us that it is the task of all Christians to care for one another, and we do just that in many and various ways through HopeCare. We invite you to share your time, talent, energy and God-given gifts to engage in our Visitation Ministry. A few short hours a month in conversation and prayer can make a tremendous difference to those who you visit. It will provide hope and strength, people know they are not alone, and that God and His people are a very present help in time of need. Your visit will encourage all people to know the love of Jesus Christ. For more information or to become a Visitation Minister contact Barb at hopecare@fargohope.org or call 701.235.6629.
Please let us know by calling the Church Office at 701.235.6629 or emailing hopecare@fargohope.org. Our pastors want to visit and provide care. Hospitals will not notify us when you are admitted.
Please let us know by calling the Church Office at 701.235.6629 or emailing hopecare@fargohope.org. Our pastors want to visit and provide care. Hospitals will not notify us when you are admitted.

Stephen Ministry
Someone to listen…
Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another. Through one-to-one caring relationships we minister to those who are experiencing; loss of a loved one, loneliness, discouragement, job crisis, spiritual crisis, birth, adoption, miscarriage, infertility, separation, divorce, recovery after an accident or disaster, terminal illness, incarceration. A Stephen Minister is someone who will be there for you to talk to for about an hour each week, however they are not a replacement for a professional counselor. A Stephen Minister is someone who will “be there” for their care receiver.

Prayer Team
Prayer is one of the most vital tools we have as believers. It is what Christian people do to lift each other up and follow the path that Jesus walked.
Hope’s Prayer Ministry Team is devoted to prayer. They receive prayer requests by email or regular mail twice a week and they thoughtfully pray and lift up the concerns of our church family to God. Consider joining us in prayer. Let us know if you’d like to be a Prayer Warrior.
Contact Barb at 701.235.6629

Monthly Prayer Ministry
Date/Time: Third Tuesday monthly, 1:00-2:00pm, North Campus
Remembering each other in prayer is one of the greatest privileges in ministry. The Monthly Prayer time is an opportunity to lift up the concerns in our lives and the life of our church.
Contact Judy S. at 701.235.6629

Support Groups
Mondays through May 5 | 6:30pm | South Campus Room 360
Questions? Email hopecare@fargohope.org
Grief Ministry helps people as they struggle through their journey of grief. We are here to talk with you and encourage you to remember your loved ones. We can also help you find other support groups in the community. GriefShare is a special seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone close. This group is sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time.
Topics include: Is this Normal; Your Grief Journey; Loneliness & Sadness; Self-Care; Fearful & Overwhelmed; Anger; Regrets; Grief & Your Household; Grief & Your Friendships; Questions for God; Stuck in Grief; Hope & Resilience; What Do I Live for Now?
Visit griefshare.org for more information.
Living Free Support Group: Facing Fear Finding Faith
Visit the Living Free website for current offerings
Participants in this group will learn to use scripture to build faith and biblical coping methods for facing fear and anxiety. Group members being controlled or held back by anxiety, fear and worry will be pointed to Jesus for comfort and increased freedom.
Visit the Living Free website for current offerings
Participants in this group will learn to use scripture to build faith and biblical coping methods for facing fear and anxiety. Group members being controlled or held back by anxiety, fear and worry will be pointed to Jesus for comfort and increased freedom.
Memory Cafe
1st & 3rd Wednesday Monthly | 1:00-2:30pm | South Campus
Memory Café is a free social gathering where people experiencing memory loss, and their care partners, come together in a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment. A place where they can experience a true sense of belonging and meaningful purpose.
At Memory Café we are committed to reminding our participants they are valued, significant members of our local community by changing the way we think about memory loss.

Disability Ministry
About Open Arms…
Open Arms Ministry provides an environment that celebrates and encourages all people of all abilities to know the love of Christ. We come alongside individuals and families impacted by disability, so they can get the support they need to participate and serve. Open Arms will provide accommodations and support for children and adults to enhance participation in Hope activities. If you would like to be involved or have questions, contact Judy S. at 701.235.6629.

Creative Ministries
“Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38

Needleworks meets the 2nd and 3rd Mondays of each month at North Campus, 2:00pm
Knitters and crocheters create shawls infused with prayers, which are delivered to people who are hospitalized or home-bound. Prayer shawls are given as a loving reminder of God’s presence. Join us! Shawls, washcloths, Afghans, scarves and pot holders can be made at home and dropped off at either campus if you aren’t able to attend a gathering.
Questions? Email hopecare@fargohope.org
Prayer Shawls
Make a Lutheran World Relief Quilt
Make quilts to donate locally and globally. All who are interested in quilting are welcome. No experience necessary. Quilts can be made of recycled materials. Donations of mattress pads, sheets, drapes, and jeans can be brought to either campus.
Quilting Groups
North Campus: 2nd & 3rd Mondays, 9:00am-2:00pm, Learning Center
South Campus: Tuesdays each week, 9:30am, Room 210

Additional Services
Additional information about assisted living opportunities in North Dakota