Man Talk

Men’s Mornings
All men of Hope are invited to join us for this 6-week study titled “Man and His Marriage.” 33 is a study for men designed to help them in their walk with Jesus.

Sermon Series Small Groups for Men

Prayer Cross Ministry

Fix It Forward Ministry
More Info Here
Contact: info@FixItForwardMinistry.com
Our goal is to remove the transportation barrier for needy members of our community, thus helping enable them to be independent and self-sufficient. This is accomplished first by providing free car repairs to needy individuals, to help keep their vehicles on the road and safe. Also by repairing donated vehicles and giving them to needy members in our community who do not have a vehicle or whose vehicle is beyond repair. We utilize volunteer labor, discounted parts, and charitable donations to cover the costs of repairs. Volunteers are an essential part of our ability to perform needed repairs on vehicles. All skill levels are welcome. Whether you’ve done your own engine swap, just like to change your own oil (or want to learn how!), would like to help with paperwork, or have other non-automotive ways to contribute, contact us at the email above. We truly are Driven To Serve, both the needy and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.