Groups for Bible Study
We are glad you are joining us on our faith journey. Study cost is for materials. If you already have the materials there is no cost for the study. Scholarships for Bibles, study materials, or childcare are available. To join, click the Find a Small Group button. Questions? Contact the Church Office at 701-235-6629 or email adults@fargohope.org.
To register click on the “Find a Small Group” button above.

Sermon Series Small Groups
Each week the Pastors at Hope Lutheran are preaching God’s word for you. These groups are focused on what we hear each week and studying together brings those truths closer to our hearts and minds so we grow closer to God and His will for us.

Young Women & Mom’s Bible Study
Tuesdays starting January 7-February 25 | 6:30-8:00pm
South Campus in Hebrews
Studying Esther by Kelly Minter
In this 7-session study, Kelly Minter invites you into the daring faith modeled by Esther and her cousin Mordecai—a faith rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world. Although our time looks different from Esther’s, our God is just as active and faithful today, and He has called you for such a time as this.
Please purchase your own book for this study. If you need assistance getting a book, please contact adults@fargohope.org.

HLCW Circles
Dorcas Circle – 1:30pm second Tuesday of the month, meets at North Campus
Lydia Circle – 5:00pm second Thursday of the month, meets in homes
Sarah Circle – 9:30am second Tuesday of the month, meets at South Campus
Circles meet monthly for Bible study. They often support mission projects to benefit our community.
Groups With Shared Interests
To join an interest group, email adults@fargohope.org. Questions? Contact the Church Office at 701-235-6629.
MomCo (formerly MOPS/MOMSnext)
Hope Lutheran MomCo is on hold at this time. Please join our KAMs group where childcare is free with pre-registration by emailing adults@fargohope.org. A moms Bible study is also taking place on Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00pm at South Campus in Hebrews (no childcare provided at this time.)

KAMS (Kids and Moms)
Thursdays | 9:00-11:00am | North Campus
A weekly Bible Study with guest speakers and helpful discussion to support and encourage one another as moms.
Needle Works
Needleworks meets the 2nd and 3rd Mondays of each month at North Campus, 2:00pm year round
Knitters and crocheters create shawls infused with prayers, which are delivered to people who are hospitalized or home-bound. Prayer shawls are given as a loving reminder of God’s presence. Join us! Shawls, washcloths, Afghans, scarves and pot holders can be made at home and dropped off at either campus if you aren’t able to attend a gathering.
Knitters and crocheters create shawls infused with prayers, which are delivered to people who are hospitalized or home-bound. Prayer shawls are given as a loving reminder of God’s presence. Join us! Shawls, washcloths, Afghans, scarves and pot holders can be made at home and dropped off at either campus if you aren’t able to attend a gathering.
Quilting Groups
North Campus – 2nd & 3rd Mondays, 9:00am-2:00pm, Learning Center, year round
South Campus – Tuesdays each week, 9:30am, Room 210, year round
Read ‘n Relate
North Campus – 7:00pm the first Tuesday of the month
South Campus – 11:00am the second Monday of the month
Enjoy a good book and get together with the group to discuss it. A great time of fellowship and good books.
March: The First Ladies by Marie Benedict & Victoria Murray
April: Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride
May: Fast Girls by Elise Hooper
Women’s Ministry Leadership Team

Judy Siegle Aamodt
701-235-6629 x108
701-235-6629 x108